Letter from Elisabeth d’Ornano
With our Emotional Education Guide we are seeking to talk to you about possible aspects of your child or pupil, in order to help you perceive their potential beyond the mere academic aspects or those related to the subject you teach.

Letter from Elisabeth d’Ornano
We dedicated last year to the child’s pre-birth stage and now we wish to focus on their emotional development in the first three years of their life. The start of a child’s life is very important and it is the foundation upon which they will build up their personality.

Editorial 11: What is Intelligence?
Parents are greatly concerned about the learning ability of their children during their upbringing and education. If this does not appear to evolve well, their concern deepens and they wonder: what will become of my child in later life if he/she does not do well at school?

Letter from Elisabeth d'Ornano: Which path will they take?
In this new school year we shall continue focusing on helping children with hyperactivity, impulsiveness and lack of concentration problems , specifically in the adolescent stage. If last year we dedicated it to the emotional development before birth, this year through our dedication, we want to continue talking about emotional development during the adolescent stage and help you to understand better your child.

Letter from Elisabeth d’Ornano: A person’s development before birth
The process of bringing a child into the world begins before conception, with our thoughts towards that new being, and from then on a trio is formed by the father, the mother and the child, filled with great potential. We are conditioned by our thoughts, creating our own future and influencing our children via our thoughts.

2nd Annual Conference of the Elisabeth d’Ornano Association
The Elisabeth d’Ornano Association held its 2nd Annual Conference on 1 June 2011. This year’s topic, “Prevention in mental health: the emotional development of individuals before birth”, is meant to focus on an essential issue for all children, not only those who are hyperactive.
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ADHD IN THE CLASSROOM: What can we do as teachers?
This year we have carried out our first dissemination and training activity for teachers at the Botanical Garden in Madrid, with over 150 educators, teachers, orientators and, generally, teaching staff dealing with children with difficulties, mainly with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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Summary of the Course for Parents: How can we do things better as parents?
This year we have started our dissemination and training tasks with a Course for Parents. On this occasion we gathered at the Botanical Garden in Madrid with over 150 mothers and fathers of children with difficulties, mainly with attention deficit and/or hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
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A few words from Elisabeth d´Ornano
While last year most of our efforts were focused on ADHD as a developmental disorder, and on how to help those suffering from it , including the people surrounding the child, this year our intention is to focus more deeply on that development process, starting from the initial identity of an individual and its influence throughout a person’s lifetime.

Web Favourites
On 30 June 2010, Diario Médico, Correo Farmacéutico and Dmedicina.com granted the Web Favourites (Los Favoritos en la Red) awards to the websites that have best taken advantage of the possibilities provided by the Internet for communicating with doctors, pharmacists (chemists) and patients.

Thoughts on Prevention
"As a summary of our II Annual Conference and of our guide about “The Emotional Development of individuals before birth”, we invite you to enjoy this visual and emotional presentation which captures the main aspects of the guide. Here we highlight some of the essential elements which need to accompany the early development of the human being.

Throughout 2010 the Elisabeth d'Ornano Association has edited the above brief guides about ADHD for parents, teachers and physicians in Spanish and they are now available in English. They pick up the most relevant aspects to have in mind by parents, paediatricians and teachers who deal with ADHD children. The information has been synthesized to provide a simple and quick reading. These guides can be downloaded free of charge by clicking on the front page of each.
During 2011 the Association broadened its scope to the study of early emotional development, with the intention to deepen in various aspects of the child-youth's mental health prevention. The fruit of this effort has been synthesized in our guide "Emotional Development of the Person before Birth", which can also be downloaded free of charge, however it is only available in Spanish and French for the time being.
Following our study over the different aspects which the child-youth's mental health covers, during 2012 we have written a brief guide on "Emotional Education for Families and Educators", aimed at helping to understand the different intelligences, the importance of emotional education and values, in order to perceive and understand better your child and his potential beyond the academic scope. This guide can be downloaded free of charge, however it is only available in Spanish for the time being.

Elisabeth d'Ornano Association

Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) begins to manifest itself in childhood, and in some 30 to 65% of people it lasts through adolescence into adulthood.
In those who suffer from it, apart from the distress caused by its own symptoms, the disorder causes problems in interpersonal relationships, problems in being accepted by others, an increased risk of starting and continuing the consumption of toxic substances, a greater predisposition to suffering from some form of psychopathology in the future, a greater frequency of failing out of school, of exposure to risk, of difficulties in maintaining a job, etc.
The Elisabeth d'Ornano Association has been established with the aim of improving educational and clinical care to patients with ADHD.
The Association was created to try to help many more children have an accurate diagnosis as early as possible aiming to develop an infrastructure of research and support for people with ADHD and their families in order to improve their personal development and knowledge about the disorder .It also aims to make biological environmental and educational interventions available.
The association is a new project focused on Spanish territory. The Association also wants to create a dynamic information flow with other countries. If you are interested in sharing knowledge or your experiences with us, please send us a mail to: info@elisabethornano.org